Sleep deprivation is one of the toughest parts of early parenthood, but there are ways you can
Sleep deprivation is one of the toughest parts of early parenthood, but there are ways you can
Sleeping Training for Babies – Parenting Segment – Expresso Show with Jolandi Becker Good Night
“Ask any parent what they miss most about the pre-baby days, and they’ll undoubtedly say,
Lifestyle – With Guest Sarah Bibi Patel – Goodnight Sleep SA
“Just when you think you’ve settled into a night-time routine with your child, sleep problems
“During the holidays, it’s important to make exceptions to the sleep schedule, but routine doesn’t
“If you’re wondering when to make the switch from co-sleeping to cot, and you’re considering
“If you’re wondering when to make the switch from co-sleeping to cot, and you’re considering moving your baby to her own room, consider these expert tips.”
“Desperate for some shut-eye because your LO (Little One) is keeping you up all night? Here are some tips from sleep experts to help get your baby or toddler to sleep better so you can all catch up on some much-needed zzz.”
Whether you’re a first-time mom or preparing to welcome your second or third bundle of joy, there are those baby topics which always spark debate in mom circles. We highlight the most popular ones.
Breastfeeding and sleep are thought to be part of two different worlds. Many people will tell you that your child won’t be able to sleep through the night until you stop breastfeeding. Tell that to my daughter who was breastfed until she was 12 months old, and slept through from the age of four months.
Children aged between one and three need 12 to 14 hours’ sleep in a 24-hour cycle. Even preteens are recommended up to 11 hours! Cracking the elusive sleep code is not only great for your sanity, it’s crucial for your child to reach their full potential – emotionally, physically and cognitively.
One of the most common questions my clients ask is about when they need to move their babies out of their room and out of their little cots. In a more hushed tone it sometimes follows, as if they’re sharing a dirty little secret: “In fact, when should they get out of my bed?”
The benefits of sleeping well go far beyond just feeling better. Parents should know that sleep is not a luxury and it is not something they should feel guilty about wanting for both themselves and their growing babies.
Good Night sleep consultant Jolandi Becker explains that due to the vast emotional development taking place in toddlers, quality sleep helps with their emotional development, and being able to regulate their emotions will result in fewer tantrums. The benefits of sleep also include a lower risk of obesity and heart problems, as well as an increased attention span that improves their ability to learn.
In South Africa, the controversial “sleep training” debate has heated up considerably over the last few months. With so many puritan views on the subject, it’s difficult to discern which information is objective, honest and suitable for everyday families! Read more!
Weet jy wat om te verwag as dit by jou nuwe baba se slaapgewoontes kom? Hier is raad. Read more!
Your toddler is still developing and will benefit greatly from regular naps, so it’s a good idea to get to the bottom of your tot’s inability to doze off peacefully at nap time.
When it comes to sleep and nutrition, it can often be a chicken-or-the-egg scenario, says Jolandi Becker, certified sleep consultant and of owner of Good Night. “If baby does not sleep well, it can affect their feeding, and if baby does not feed/eat well, it can affect their sleep,” she says.
For many a parent, “sleeping late” means rising at 7am! Why can’t children have a snooze button?
· Mobiles should be kept for the changing station instead of the crib as it is a stimulating object
· Toys should not be left in a cot/crib to play with – only one as a comfort item
· Bed/cot should preferably be away from the window that no draft is created
· Bedding and mattress should preferably be organic cotton and as little synthetic materials as possible
· Block out blinds works wonders to keep out the light and promote healthy sleep
· Temperate should be at an average of 21 degrees Celsius
Shift work is a reality for many doctors, nurses, policemen, firemen, security guards, miners and factory workers (to name but a few). New research suggests that many of these professionals, though dedicated to taking care of others, are doing so at the expense of their own health.
5 Steps to a happy bedtime!
It con be done! Restful nights for all are just a few methods away!
Are you working late into the night and rising early? Perhaps you struggle to fall asleep or suffer from insomnia? According to recent studies your lack of shut eye could be causing havoc with your waistline! Weigh-Less Investigates with Samantha Watt
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