The Teething Monster

By Good Night Consultant Is your baby not sleeping through the night because of teething? Teething babies; The good, the bad and the ugly I hear it so often: “My baby cannot sleep through the night because he is teething really badly!” Maybe I was just lucky that my son took teething in his stride; […]

Sleep Training – Should We, Shouldn’t We

By Good Night Consultant I’m often confronted with individuals bombarding me with statistics (they have read on this VERY credible Google source called of how sleep training is “bad” for you. Often this is a taboo subject in my industry because of all the negative connotations around it. Phrases like “crying it out” have […]

Sleep Myths Everyone Should Know About

Sleep. We all need it, and we don’t know how important it is until we can’t get enough of it? Are you a mother? Then you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about. Can you still remember what it feels like to look into your partner’s eyes? To have time to read a magazine, take a […]

Why is Consistent, Uninterupted, Consolidated Sleep Important?

WHEN SHOULD MY BABY GO TO BED? An early bedtime is advisable! Around 6 -7:30 Pm! Discover what time works best for you baby/toddler. Play around with the bedtime in 10/15 minute increments to discover his/her “window of opportunity”. That is when your child is not overly tired, but tired enough. Remember to compensate with […]