Any biblical story
A clean body hahaha
It is a milestone that will be reached on their own time when they are ready to sleep through.
Setting good sleeping habits isn’t just beneficial for you as a parent, but for your little one up until adulthood.
My little one will sleep better after teething.
A very consistent and good bedtime routine, having a solid journey to sleep
Always stay consistent, but also follow your mommy heart in situations that are out of the norm
This I believe – The Creed Hillsong Instrumental
I was born in Durban and raised in Vryheid in NKZN. Studied in Bloemfontein and Stellenbosch and I married my best friend in 2012, lived abroad in La Rochelle, France for 2 years, travelling every 5 weeks with my hubby. Now I am a mommy to the most beautiful little girl called Amune and soon I will be a mom of a little boy too. We live on a farm, breathing in the freshest air every morning and experiencing God’s grace with every season during the year, being it harvesting or planting time. I live for my family and I am so thankful that I was raised by God fearing parents and for having a best friend from birth, my brother. Through my dad I got to see what it means to have a good husband and now I am married to my best friend from University, building a life with our two biggest blessings and working with mommies and babies on a daily basis. Thankfull is an understatement.
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